Speech and Language
The McCarton Center has five board certified speech and language therapists. All are trained in oral-motor therapy, feeding therapy, PROMPT therapy, and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). The speech/language therapists are experienced in treating a wide range of language disorders including:
Expressive/Receptive Language Disorders
Pragmatic Language Disorder
Articulation Disorder
Phonological Disorder
Auditory/Language Processing Disorder
Verbal Apraxia
Oral-Motor Disorder
Feeding Disorder
Phonological Awareness/Pre-Reading Skills
Therapy sessions are 1:1. There are also pragmatic language/social skills groups where two speech/language therapists work with up to four children in a group. The groups are designed to elicit age appropriate social language and interaction among peers. The clinicians serve as facilitators to encourage a naturalistic learning environment. Special attention is paid to each child in the group to promote their personal strengths as well as to address their individual weaknesses.